How to become a host family


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How It Works

Welcome to our Rotary Secondary Student Exchange Program.

“The Rotary District 9800 Youth Exchange Program for prospective Inbounds and Outbounds has been suspended due to the current Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. Currently the anticipated recommencement of the program for Inbounds is July 2021 at the earliest and for Outbounds January 2022 at the earliest. These anticipated dates are subject to government travel health and quarantine regulations, visa availability and other regulatory requirements at the time.”

Rotary Youth Exchange Victoria (RYEV) – encompassing all Rotary districts in Victoria – is approved by the Victorian Registration and Qualification Authority (VRQA) to provide secondary student exchange programs into and from Victoria. These programs comply with the 2015 VRQA Guidelines for Student Exchange Organisations.

All Victorian long-term exchange programs provide secondary students with a year’s full-time education program at an overseas school.

Rotary District 9800 is a member of RYEV.

As a Rotary Exchange student you will spend one year living as a full time student in another country.youth_exchange1

Our students depart in January of each year and return the following January. We do not do mid-year exchanges.

You will have a Sponsor (Australian) Rotary Club and a Host (Overseas) Rotary Club. Your Host Rotary Club will arrange things for you, such as host families, a counsellor (mentor) and your schooling.

Every Rotary Exchange student will have a Host Club Counsellor (mentor). This person is there to assist you with your exchange (eg enrolling you in school, making sure you get your Rotary pocket money). Your Counsellor will be a volunteer who has been screened for suitability.

You will normally have three or four host families. Each of these families will have been interviewed and assessed for their suitability before you stay with them. The host families are volunteers who will welcome you into their home, supervise your year and introduce you to their culture and lifestyle.

You will also have the support of many other Rotarians – at Club and District level both in Australia and in your Host country.